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Empyrean Education Institute

About Empyrean Education Institute

EMPYREAN EDUCATION is the leading Registered Training Organisation in Western Australia, specialising in Culinary Arts and Community Services.

Our comprehensive and specialist courses are designed and written by professional chefs and trainers to learn, develop and practice the skills required for top-level industry jobs. 

Our difference is the experiences you receive, the opportunities you are exposed to, and the level of care and support provided.

EMPYREAN EDUCATION's chefs and trainers support your study journey to achieve high-level results and get you started on your career path. We offer the best quality hospitality and community services training to students from the local community and overseas. We are dedicated to providing a good learning environment and facilities for Empyrean students and a unique experience regardless of a student's cultural and academic background.

Empyrean education institute is the only registered training organisation in Australia with the coveted ISO 9001 certification as a mark of quality and compliance. This gives students confidence that no other training organisation can provide, and it is an international certification of which Empyrean is very proud.

The ISO 9001 international standard for organisations is a world-renowned and accepted accreditation which demonstrates that the organisation has quality systems and practices in place, which then ensures that a student always receives what they paid for and which will provide them with a certificate of quality which they can take into the world and further their career.

Our head office is located in the port of Fremantle, a busy and vibrant tourist destination where the river and ocean meet. It is a diverse and culturally rich environment filled with cafes, restaurants, bars, pubs and nightlife. Our classrooms are in world heritage-listed buildings that are part of Fremantle's history and origins. 

We also have a training facility in the heart of PERTH Central business district, and a few minutes' walk from the central train station and bus terminus. This facility is a fully functional commercial kitchen for practical classes and catering operations.  

Empyrean provides the most up-to-date practical training facilities in Western Australia. Students have access to three campus locations, four commercial training kitchens, and twenty-three current industry partners with an industry network unrivalled in Western Australia.

EMPYREAN EDUCATION has partnered with International 5-star hotels and nationally based  Aged and Community Care providers to provide invaluable work experience opportunities for our students to work with and alongside industry professionals. This work experience component is built into each education package, integral to every course, and essential to a student's career pathway.

Empyrean Education is pleased to partner with the leading Hotels in Western Australia and the leading Aged Care Providers for Community Services and Aged Care courses. Empyrean Education Partners include

  • The Ritz Carlton
  • The Hyatt Regency
  • The Parmelia Hilton
  • The Westin
  • The Como Treasury
  • Mercy Care Australia
  • Disability Services Australia

Our trainers are employed directly from the industry to ensure they have the most current and up-to-date skills and knowledge about today's trends and business needs. EMPYREAN EDUCATION only employs experts with the required qualifications and industry experience to teach all levels of students.

Our training team comprises caring and passionate people from all over the world. We celebrate culture and diversity and encourage all our students to participate to the best of their abilities. Our trainers work hard to assist every student in becoming job ready with the skills and knowledge needed to secure their future.

Most importantly, our chefs and trainers are recruited by Empyrean because they care deeply about their students.

EMPYREAN EDUCATION's student services and support staff are caring and compassionate people who support and guide every student's study journey. They create student schedules, monitor their attendance and course progress, communicate with them about important information, and provide support and solutions if they have any difficulties.

At EMPYREAN EDUCATION, we care about our students and their studies, and we are committed to helping and guiding every student toward their future goals.





Featured Courses


This qualification reflects the role of highly skilled senior operators who use a broad range of hospitality skills combined with managerial skills and sound knowledge of industry to coordinate hospitality operations.


This qualification reflects the role of workers in various community settings and clients' homes. They provide training and support that empowers people with disabilities to achieve greater levels of independence, self-reliance, community participation and well-being.


This CHC33021 - Certificate III in Individual Support is for those who want to make a real difference in the community and help people maintain their independence.