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The University of Western Australia (UWA)

  • 22% international / 78% domestic

Master of Public Health with Specialisation

  • Masters (Coursework)

This two-year course is ideal for international students and can include a dissertation and practicum. It provides graduates with a suitable background and generalist qualification for a career in Public Health.

Key details

Degree Type
Masters (Coursework)
2 - 5 years full-time
Course Code
Study Mode
In person

About this course

This course is suitable for graduates from any field, seeking a career in the health industry as a professional public health practitioner or researcher. You will gain a strong foundation in the core fields of epidemiology, biostatistics, qualitative research methods, health economics and health promotion, plus the broader social context in which health programs are planned, delivered and evaluated. The Master of Public Health with Specialisation offers the chance to specialise in Public Health Foundations, Applied Public Health or Public Health Methodology. This course is available by: coursework only, coursework and 24-point practicum, coursework and 24-point dissertation, or coursework and 24-point practicum and 24-point dissertation. Students may choose a research project that includes conducting a review of a body of scientific literature, writing a literature review and a detailed project proposal, development of instruments, an ethics committee application and preparing an analysis plan. Practicum The practicum offers students the opportunity to work with prospective employers, apply theoretical knowledge to the real world and gain valuable workplace experience. Students develop observational skills; relevant practical skills including project management, information and time management skills; lateral thinking and problem solving skills; literacy and communication skills; as well as skills in professional behaviour and responsibility, and ethical conduct. Dissertation A 24-point dissertation represents the equivalent of one semester of full-time study and involves original research by the student under supervision to develop a paper for publication in a scientific journal. The dissertation gives students practice and experience in defining a clear research question, preparing a formal research proposal, conducting a review of a body of scientific literature and formal writing at a professional standard. Some dissertation projects involve detailed statistical or qualitative analysis and interpretation of a body of data. Students may collect original data specifically for the research or may analyse existing data in an original manner. Other dissertation projects are based on the analysis of published documents. Students undertaking such a dissertation are expected to collate, integrate and appraise critically the relevant literature, and evaluate current practice and policy in light of the literature.

Entry requirements

Admission requirements

If you're interested in furthering your career by studying this postgraduate course, find out the admission details below

Admission Requirements
(1) To be considered for admission to this course an applicant must have-
(a)(i) a bachelor's degree, or an equivalent qualification, as recognised by UWA; or
(ii) a Graduate Certificate in Population Health Studies 91230, Graduate Certificate in Environmental Health 92210, Graduate Certificate in Communicable Diseases Epidemiology 91220, or an equivalent qualification, as recognised by UWA;
(b) the equivalent of a UWA weighted average mark of at least 60 per cent.
(2) Applicants who have or have had a progress status of 'Suspended' or 'Excluded' against courses 91550 or 92560 are not eligible for admission.
Admission Requirements
(1) To be considered for admission to this course an applicant must have-
(a)(i) a bachelor's degree, or an equivalent qualification, as recognised by UWA; or
(ii) a Graduate Certificate in Population Health Studies 91230, Graduate Certificate in Environmental Health 92210, Graduate Certificate in Communicable Diseases Epidemiology 91220, or an equivalent qualification, as recognised by UWA;
(b) the equivalent of a UWA weighted average mark of at least 60 per cent.
(2) Applicants who have or have had a progress status of 'Suspended' or 'Excluded' against courses 91550 or 92560 are not eligible for admission.
Ranking and Selection Process
Where relevant, admission will be awarded to the highest ranked applicants or applicants selected based on the relevant requirements.
Ranking and Selection Process

Where relevant, admission will be awarded to the highest ranked applicants or applicants selected based on the relevant requirements.

English competency

English is the language of instruction and assessment at UWA and you will need to meet the English language requirements of the University to be eligible for a place.

Minimum overall IELTS score of 6.5, with no band less than 6.0.

English competency

Study locations


Career pathways

Careers and further study

Explore the career opportunities available to you.

Career Pathways
This course provides graduates with a suitable background and generalist qualification for a career in public health research or practice.
Career Pathways This course provides graduates with a suitable background and generalist qualification for a career in public health research or practice.
Penelope Strauss
Penelope Strauss

Penelope Strauss is a 2016 graduate of the UWA Master of Public Health. In 2018 she was recognised as an AMP Tomorrow Maker for her work with young transgender (trans) people.

During her Master of Public Health, Penelope launched Trans Pathways - the largest study of trans youth ever conducted in Australia. It focused on the mental health and access to health services of 859 young participants, as well as challenges such as discrimination, bullying and homelessness. The horrific revelation that almost half of the young participants had attempted suicide drove Penelope to dedicate her career to this issue. She is currently completing her PhD through the School of Population and Global Health at UWA and Telethon Kids Institute.

research is focused on data from the Trans Pathways study, and what forms of support may help to alleviate and prevent distress in trans young people. The AMP Foundation grant will help her to discover what helped young trans people through their periods of depression and suicidal thoughts, in the hope that their experiences will guide the development of an intervention program.

"My Master of Public Health degree from UWA provided me with a strong foundation to launch me into my PhD and future research career. My MPH inspired me to look at health issues from different angles to see how we can improve the mental health of young people using evidence-based approaches."

Further Study
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Further Study Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Course highlights
Master of Public Health
Master of Public Health

Highlight on the Master of Public Health course

Course structure

Students in the Applied Public Health specialisation SP-APPPH must take units to the total value of 30 points from Groups A and B.

Students in the Public Health Foundations specialisation SP-PHFND must take units to the total value of 42 points from Groups A and may include either B or C.

Students in the Public Health Methodology specialisation SP-PHMET must take units to the value of 30 points from Groups A and/or C.


Take all units (24 points):

Option - Group A Coursework

Take units as per the sequence notes:

Option - Group B Dissertation

Take unit(s) to the value of 24 points, as per the sequence notes:

Option - Group C Practicum

Take unit(s) to the value of 24 points, as per the sequence notes:

Applied Public Health specialisation

Graduate outcomes

Graduate satisfaction and employment outcomes for Health Services & Support courses at The University of Western Australia (UWA).
Overall satisfaction
Skill scale
Teaching scale
Employed full-time
Average salary