The Bachelor of Biological Science teaches you how living organisms, ranging from microbes to megaflora and megafauna, grow, reproduce, adapt and evolve. You will learn how species and ecological communities can be managed, conserved and restored, using techniques ranging from genetic analysis to data collection from whole populations and ecosystems, to big data synthesis science. A quality education in Biological Science from UWA will equip you with attributes that are highly valued and sought after by a diverse range of employers around the globe, and provides the opportunity to harness the skills and knowledge necessary to understand the vulnerabilities and resilience of life on our planet. The Master of Biotechnology is a signature program that set us apart from other universities by offering a thorough grounding in state-of-the-art biotechnology and combining this with training in enterprise and commercialisation. This includes developing the theory of genetics and molecular biology in parallel with skills training in practical techniques such as genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, recombinant DNA methods, and basic and advanced bioinformatics. Current streams include the application of biotechnology to Plant and Animal Breeding, Environmental Biotechnology, Genetics and Genomics, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, and Commercialisation. This cross institutional course draws on the expertise of staff in the UWA Business School, business angels and mentors in biotechnology businesses to provide the academic and business skills you'll need to make a significant contribution to the biotechnology sector now and in the future. You can also pursue options from other areas within the university. You will be well positioned to pursue careers in international research laboratories, government agencies and the private sector. The core of the course draws on the expertise in Science and Business to provide a basis for skills training in biotechnology and combining this with skills in enterprise and commercialisation. In Science, key components are provided by the Schools of Molecular Science, Biological Sciences, and Earth Sciences. The Business School provides the required training in the commercialisation of biotechnological innovation. If you decide not to continue in the CBM you can exit after three years with a Bachelor of Biological Science (Advanced). Note that the Advanced Bachelor Degree is available only as a CBM exit award. It is not offered for direct enrolment and is not awarded on completion of the CBM.