Doctorate (PhD)
School of Health Sciences
Here at The University of Notre Dame Australia, we are proud to offer the opportunity to work on a PhD to students who have achieved outstanding results in their Honours or Masters. Completed over three years of full-time study your PhD will require you to work closely with two academic supervisors as you undertake a major piece of research, which may include a substantial new discovery or an original adaptation, application or interpretation of existing knowledge.
Applicants must fulfil the following requirements:
An applicant may be required to demonstrate an ability to understand and communicate in both written and spoken English at a level adequate for the purpose of pursuing the program of study or as deemed appropriate by the Dean of the School.
A Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is a thesis-based research degree and has been individually designed and built around the research methodology required, the nature of your thesis topic and the background of the candidate. If necessary, you may also be required to undertake research training or further coursework as part of your PhD program. Candidates will benefit from on-going support, mentoring or involvement in our research culture.
A PhD may be completed as a traditional thesis or a thesis by publication. Your PhD should be based on an advanced investigation into a significant question which is related to your current field. The thesis should make an original and substantial contribution to the field of physiotherapy.
Just remember that you must discuss your application with a suitably qualified member of the academic staff, preferably one you wish to be your principal research supervisor, before submitting an application to enrol in a Doctor of Philosophy. Financial support for domestic candidates is available under the Commonwealth Government's Research Training Scheme (RTS). International students, meanwhile, are required to pay full fees but may apply for a wide range of scholarships which are made available to candidates of exceptional potential.
A PhD is a thesis-based research degree. The degree program is individually designed and built around the methodological requirements of the research and the nature of the topic to be investigated. The candidate may be asked to undertake further coursework to extend their knowledge and skills before embarking on the research component.
Full details of the program requirements are contained in the Program Requirements.